In order to conceive a child after 35, it is necessary that sexual intercourse takes place during the period of maximum fertility. These are the two or three days before ovulation, the day of ovulation and the next day after
Ovulation 1-3-7 days before or during period (detailed)
In a normal case ovulation usually occurs 12-16 days before the onset of menstruation. If the cycle is short (21-23 days), it means that ovulation during menstruation or immediately after it is quite possible. Late ovulation is also possible (after
BBT with a missed period – a negative test (+ Charts!)
If the missed period and BBT is elevated for 16 days or more, this is a sign of pregnancy, even if the test is negative (BFN). Normally, an increase in BBT by 0.3-0.5° C (0.54-0.9° F) in relation to the
Signs of implantation after ovulation (BEFORE missed periods!)
Implantation occurs on the 7-10th day past ovulation (DPO). The most common signs of implantation: pain in the lower abdomen or lower back; dizziness, weakness; spotting no more than a day; drop in basal body temperature on the 7-10th DPO
Pulling out (withdrawal) during ovulation (Statistics!)
According to statistics, the observation of all the rules of withdrawal method (rejected sexual intercourse – RSI) – 4 out of 100 women become pregnant during one year of such an intimate life. With a typical usage of pulling out,
2 days before ovulation – determine gender (+Stat.!)
If sexual intercourse (SI) took place two days before ovulation and fertilization successfully occurred – most likely you will have a girl. The fact is that spermatozoa bearing the male Y chromosome in most cases do not survive the two
Painful ovulation (low abdomen/breasts) – when to conceive?
Approximately 25% of women of reproductive age are characterized by sensitive ovulation (ovulatory syndrome). They are able to determine the exit time of a ripened egg by the expressed painful sensations pretty exactly. The pain may be aching (dull ache),
8 Signs and Sensations during Ovulation (+explanation!)
The onset of ovulation is often accompanied by such symptoms: bleeding; change in the nature of cervical mucus; drawing pains, tingling or discomfort in the lower abdomen, ovaries, or lower back (sometimes the pain radiates to the rectum); soreness, increased
Ultrasound scanning of ovulation – Folliculometry (+ Photo!)
Ultrasound monitoring or folliculometry is the most reliable, almost 100% way to detect ovulation. It requires several visits to the ultrasound room during the cycle. The first scanning is appointed after the end of menstruation, about a week before the
Why is BBT rising after ovulation (+pregnant charts!)
It is normal if the basal body temperature rises after ovulation by 0.3 to 0.5 °C or 0.54–0.9 °F. The increase in BBT is also natural in the case of a successful conception, after implantation or during the proposed menstruation.